"ISRO" Needs Freshers - 15-02-2008 Last Date
Requires Ph.D Freshers
Location : Ahmedabad
Eligibility: MSc(Phys/Atmospheric Science/Mathe)
Post NO 1:-Scientist/Engineer-SD
Scale of pay:
Rs 10000-325-15200(Toatl emoluments on the minimum of the scale Rs 24290/-approximately). pay scale likely to be revised based on 6th Central Pay Commission recommendations.
Essential Qualification :
Ph D Physics (Specialization in Theoretical Physics)/ Applied Mathematics (Specialization in fluid dynamics)/ Atmospheric Science / Oceanography with good background in Physics and Mathematics.
MSc (Physics/ Applied Mathematics) First class with at least 65% marks with 4years Research experience in theoretical physics /fluid dynamics (about submit Thesis as evidenced by publications.)
Candidate should have consistently good academic records at all levels. Knowledge of latest computer Programming and mathematical techniques essential.
Post NO 2:-Scientist/Engineer-SC
Scale of pay:
Rs 8000-275-13500(Toatl emoluments on the minimum of the scale Rs 18960/-approximately). pay scale likely to be revised based on 6th Central Pay Commission recommendations.
Essential Qualification :
MSc (Physics or Atmospheric Science or Oceanography or Applied Mathematics ) First class with at least 65% marks from recognized University /Institutions.
Candidate should have consistently good academic records at all levels. Knowledge of latest Computer Programming and Mathematical Techniques essential.
Job Discrebtion:
Radiative transfer in atmosphere, retrieval of atmospheric /Oceanic parameters from satellite observation and assimilation of these data in numerical modeling at atmosphere and Ocean.
Introduction Training Programme :
Immediately after joining the candidate have to undergo an Induction Training Programme of four months duration at different ISRO Centres, which will be a prerequisite for confirmation in the Organization.
General Conditions:
1)The Post are temporary but likely to continue indefinitely.
2)At present of place posting is Ahmedabad with transfer liability to any of the units of Indian Space research Organization / Department of space
3)Age as on 15.2.2008
i)There is no age limit for Scientist / Engineer SD
ii)The age limit for Scientist / Engineer SC is 35 years but relaxation in upper age limit by 5 years for SC / ST candidate and three years of OBC candidates .Ex-servicemen and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates are eligible for upper age relaxation as per Govt of India rules.
Application should be accompanied with attested true copies of certificates of qualifications /marks sheets/experience/proof of date of birth, caste persons with disabilities (PWD)Ex-servicemen etc.and a recent passport size colour photograph should be pasted at the should be provided.
4)Application should be submitted on plain paper with full details (to be neatly hand written or typed) in A4 size paper210*297mm as per the prescribed format at Annexure 1
5)The last date of Receipt of Applications is 15-02-2008.Applications complete in all respects along with Attested True Of Copies of Certificates, mark sheets etc properly tagged/stabled should reach the following Address:
The Administrative Officer (RMT & REV)
Personnel & General Administration Division
Building No 30 D
Space Application Centre
Ambawadivistar PO
Ahmedabad 380015
Application Should be sent in a cover super scribed "ADVT.NO.SAC:01/2008.APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF (POST NO)
6)Application Received against the advertisement are liable to be short listed if found necessary.
Applications received without the requisite information asked for in the prescribed format/without photograph/with out attested copies of the certificates /mark sheets are liable rejection and will not be considered.
7)Only India Candidates need to apply
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