"MINDTECK" Needs Freshers Graduates
Experience: 0 Years
Location: Bangalore
UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Computers, Electrical, Electronics/Telecommunication, Mechanical
PG - Post Graduation Not Required
Job Description:
* Aggregate of 70% (All Semesters)
* Good programming skills in C
*Analytical and Problem solving ability.
*Strong knowledge of OOPS fundamentals.
*Good communication skills
Reference ID: Fresher
Location: Bangalore
UG - B.Tech/B.E. - Computers, Electrical, Electronics/Telecommunication, Mechanical
PG - Post Graduation Not Required
Job Description:
* Aggregate of 70% (All Semesters)
* Good programming skills in C
*Analytical and Problem solving ability.
*Strong knowledge of OOPS fundamentals.
*Good communication skills
Reference ID: Fresher
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